Francoise Nielly lives in a world of images.
She has explored the different facets of "image" all her life , through painting, photography, roughs, illustrations and virtual, computer generated animated graphics. It is clear now that painting is her direction and her passion.

She gets her sense of space and construction from her father, who was an architect.

Growing up in the South of France where she lived between Cannes and Saint-Tropez, is never far from the light, the color sense and the atmosphere that permeates the South of France. This is coupled with her studies with her studies at the Beaux arts and Decorative Arts, and her sense of humor and of celebration.

Fran�oise Nielly's painting is expressive, exhibiting a brute force, a fascinating vital energy. Oil and knife combine tsculpt her images from a material that is , at the same time, biting and incisive, charnel and sensual. Whether she paints the human body or portraits, the artist takes a risk : her painting is sexual, her colors free, exuberant, surprising, even explosive, the cut of her knife incisive, her color pallet dazzling.

Fran�oise Nielly is a passionate woman who loves life, wide open spaces, sushi, blue lagoons, the Internet, humor, books, Paris, New-york and Vancouver. Resolutely inscribed in her epoch, she is an accomplished artist ; 20 years of artistic expression explain the maturity of her work and the perfect mastery of her art.

She lives and paints in Paris near Montmartre; shows and sells her work in Europe, in Canada and in the United States.

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并在Saint-Ouen成立了自己的工作室。从此,她的作品出现在巴黎, 温哥华,纽约,巴塞罗那等世界各大城市。

尼耶莉女士致力于油画事业,画刀是她的伙伴,时而在画布上切割,时而游走塑形,画家的灵感和激情也通过这一个个微妙的手势和手法溶入作品中; 各种新奇色彩的运用,尤其是荧光色的加入,也成为其作品的标志。

Exhibitions :

2017: Exhibition in Japan

2016: Exhibition Gallery Movart� - Zurich

2016: Exhibition Gallery Art Emotion - Lausanne

2016: Exhibition gallery Bartoux - Honfleur

2015: Exhibition 101 art galerie Mexico

2015: Exhibition Gallery Menouar - Paris

2015: Exhibition World Art - Duba�

2015: Exhibition Art Karlsruhe - Gallery Vila del Arte, Germany

2015: Exhibition Le CARMEL - Tarbes

2015: Exhibition Gallery Menouar - Paris

2014: Exhibition Art Up - Lille

2014: Exhibition Gallery Bartoux ION ORCHARD - Singapore

2013: Exhibition European Contemporary Art Fair - Strasbourg

2013: Exhibition Gallery Bartoux in HONFLEUR France

2012: Exhibition West Bank London Art - Londres

2012: Exhibition SOLO Galerie Twenty Two - LYON

2012: Exhibition Gallery Menouar - �Paris

2012: Exhibition Gallery Alain Daudet - Toulouse

2011: Exhibition Gallery Modus� Paris

2011: Exhibition SOLO Galerie Villa del Arte - Barcelona

2011: Exhibition solo Moscou

2010: Exhibition solo Gallery Villa del Arte - Barcelona

2010: Launch of the first silk squares

2010: D�cembre EXPOSITION SOLO .Galerie Villa del Arte -Barcelona

2010: Exhibition � l'Op�ra Gallery, Singapore

2010: Exhibition Gallery Menouar. Paris


2009: Gallery Menouar. Exhibition solo - Paris

2009: Gallery Anne Cros - P�z�nas

2009: Gallery Villa del Arte - Barcelona

2009: Gallery Claude Petit Jean - St Tropez

2008: Gallery Claude Petit Jean - Aix en Provence

2008: Gallery Op�ra - Monaco

2008 : Gallery Villa del Arte - Barcelona

2008: ArtFair Newcastle. Gallery Villa del Arte

2008 : AAF London. Gallery Villa del Arte - England

2008 : ARTFAIR MIAMI. Gallery Villa Del Arte

2008 : Artenimes. Gallery ANNE CROS.

2008 : Gallery Anne Cros. P�zenas

2007 : Les ELYSEES de l'​ART - Paris

2007 : Persona Grata - Paris

2007 : Gallery Menouar - Paris

2007 : Gallery de L'Europe -Paris

2006 : Gallery Menouar - Paris (Event Artycolor. Givenchy

2006 : Gallery Mensirioux. Montr�al. Fort Lauderdale

2006 : Gallery Lausberg. (Artfairs moscou 2006) - Toronto

2006 : Gallery Anne Cros (Arten�mes) - P�zenas

2005 : Gallery Menouar - Paris

2005 : Gallery Anne Cros - P�z�nas

2004 : Gallery Sibman - Paris
2004 : Gallery Menouar - Paris
2004 : Gallery Cinko - Paris
2003 : Gallery St�phane Olivier - ST Ouen
2002 : Gallery bdv - St Ouen
2002 : Gallery Gagnon - Montr�al
2001 : Gallery Anne Cros - P�zenas
2000 : Gallery de Bi�vre - Paris
1999 : Gallery Michel Blais - Vancouver
1998 : Gallery Stely - St Tropez
1997 : Gallery Stegl� - St Maxime

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